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Update on Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 26/03/2013

multifocal ERG

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of legal blindness in older patients in developed countries, and geographic atrophy (GA) represents the advanced form of dry AMD. Although it accounts for one third of the cases of late AMD and is responsible for 20% of the cases of severe visual loss due to the disorder. GA currently lacks effective treatment, whereas antiangiogenic therapies have been shown to be successful in managing choroidal neovascularization, the other form of late AMD. Recent advances in GA epidemiology, etiology, genetics, and imaging techniques have renewed the interest in this entity, which is a cause of progressive visual loss even in treated patients with neovascular AMD. This knowledge has triggered many clinical trials targeting different molecules shown to be associated with the disease, and it is hoped that this research will translate into effective drugs for GA in the near future.

DMAE seca o atróficaDMAE exudativa o húmedaRetinografíaAutofluorescenciaMicroperimetríaAngiografía fluoresceínicaTomografía de coherencia óptica
Última modificación: 10 Enero, 2023 - 11:23

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