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Paula Verdaguer, awarded a PhD cum laude

14/12/2016 · новости
201612 Paula Verdaguer tesi 1opt

The Institut de la Màcula’s specialist in cornea, refractive surgery and cataract, Dr. Paula Verdaguer, has recently obtained a cum laude distinction in the defence of her doctoral thesis. The academic work, entitled “Secondary implantation in aphakic patients without capsular support: iris-claw lenses“, was directed by doctors Jordi Monés and José Luís Güell, while the tutor was Dr. José García Arumí.

The articles included in the thesis are a full review on the effectiveness, predictability, safety and long-term complications of the iris-claw lens, Artisan, as a secondary implantation in aphakic patients

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Dr. Paula Verdaguer, during the defence of her thesis.


The thesis comprises a compendium of publications. Specifically, these are two original articles by Dr. Verdaguer and published in scientific journals of high impact: the British Journal of Ophthalmology and Cornea. In these complementary studies, a full review was carried out on the effectiveness, predictability, safety and long-term complications of the iris-claw lens, Artisan, as a secondary implantation in aphakic patients.

The thesis was defended at the Vall d’Hebron Teaching Unit (Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona) in November.

The studies cited are as follows:

Unilateral Iris-Claw Intraocular Lens Implantation for Aphakia: A Paired-Eye Comparison. Güell JL, Verdaguer P, Mateu-Figueras G, Elies D, Gris O, Amich JM, Manero F, Morral M. Cornea. 2016 Oct;35(10):1326-32. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000001000. PMID: 27560029

Secondary iris-claw anterior chamber lens implantation in patients with aphakia without capsular support. Güell JL1, Verdaguer P, Elies D, Gris O, Manero F, Mateu-Figueras G, Morral M. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014 May;98(5):658-63. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304035. Epub 2014 Jan 31.

Last modified: 10 January, 2023 - 11:23

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